After a simple outline drawing, I used my airbrush and a varied size circular stencil to create this blurred background. This time the shades were a mixture of light and dark green to make the Cheetah stand out. Next came the same technique of simply blocking in color to fill the cat. Following that I worked on the eyes and gradually started finely filling in the fur. The last stage on all of my cat paintings is to add the whiskers.

Cheetah Facts:
The wild Cheetah population is believed to now be around 6,600 mature individuals and decreasing.
Cheetahs are blisteringly fast and can reach speeds of up to 64 miles per hour in 3 seconds, making them the fastest land animals in the world over short distances. The distinctive black tear stripes that run from the eyes to the mouth are like a rifle scope, helping them focus on their prey at a long distance range by minimizing the sun’s rays